Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Resources for the College-Bound Teen

Click : Resources for the College-Bound Teen

You'll find information on 

College fairs in NYC

On high school involvement and prepping in junior year 

On testing

On test prep

On college essays

On college counselors

On college visits 

On applications 

On comparing stats and chatting with fellow applicants

On choosing a college 

On deferrals, decisions, and disappointments 

On scholarships and aid 

On college loans (and debts)

On choosing a major

On dealing with the transition

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

2020 High School Open Houses

 This information is shared from the Parents of NY Teens & Young Adults list at

Click or subscribe by send an email to

to join the conversation if you have a child age 10 and older and you live in the metropolitan NYC area.  

Bard Manhattan
Open houses and QA sessions with current students:

Special education open houses ( This open house will focus on what BHSEC is like for our SpEd students and what services generally look like here with ample time for question/answer. It will not focus on admissions policies due to that uncertain nature of how that is working for the

Bay Ridge Prep

Upper School
Virtual Open Houses

Our Upper School Virtual Open houses are now live for registration via Ravenna.  If you do not have a Ravenna account, click the the Apply Now button to create one.

Grades 9 - 12
Tues., October 20
Tues., November 17
Tues., December 1

Open Houses will begin at 9am on Zoom.


Boerum Hill School 11/17

Brooklyn Collaborative

Brooklyn College Academy

Please look out for Information regarding our Open Houses: November 23, 24, 25
We will post an EventBrite so prospective students and families can register for this event.

The mission of HSES is to promote environmental integrity, social equity and economic prosperity for all learners through challenging hands-on collaborative learning experiences that promote citizenship, scholarship and leadership within our community and the world at large.

Essex Street 

Open Houses 11/10 and 11/17

Fort Hamilton High School is Nov 18th at 6:30- registration required. Go to Ft Ham website click on calendar in lower left corner, on the 18th is the registration link.

Harvest Collegiate High School 34 West 14th Street, New York, NY 10011 Phone: 212-242-3384 Fax: 212-242-4173. Email:

The High School of Art and Design

245 East 56th Street NY, NY 10022 


The High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technology 
will be having a virtual open house on Thursday, December 10th at 5pm.
Here is information for prospective students:

Humanities Prep 11/17 and 12/8

ISchool is also having virtual open houses, multiple dates:

Museum school also had one and will hold others. 

Friday, November 13, 2020, 8:30 AM

Register in advance for this meeting: Registration Link

Thursday, November 19, 2020, 6:00 PM

Register in advance for this meeting: Registration Link

Friday, December 4, 2020, 8:30 AM

Register in advance for this meeting: Registration Link

NYC Lab School for Collaborative Studies
All.About.Lab – Virtual Open House December 2nd and 9th at 6:00

Williamsburg high school for architecture and design
More info here :

Tuesday, November 10th – 5:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.

Tuesday, November 17th – 5:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.

Saturday, November 21th – 11:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

Tuesday, November 24th – 5:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

2020 High School Reviews

Agile Learning Center

Where is the school located?


Is this the school your child attends now? *

Currently in the first year


Please write a review of your experience.

The Agile Learning Center is a private K-12 school that two of my children have attended for years and which one is currently attending for high school. It follows the educational methodology of Self-Directed Education (, which allows for children to directed their own learning through their own interests and at their own pace. The New York City Agile Learning Center is the flagship school of a network of schools using the same methodology worldwide ( My children have learned about their own interests and passions, they have learned how to negotiate and get along with others, how to take other people's needs and desires into consideration, how to remain curious learners even into high school. In short: my children literally love to go to their school. They are intelligent, capable, socially well-adjusted, and just as academically capable as a child who has gone through conventional school while retaining their own dignity, sense of self worth, and keeping an understanding of who they are. Much of this I attribute to their school's belief in children's rights as autonomous individuals. The school has handled Covid-19 as well as any school can ask to do so. They have both online offerings as well as outdoor, in-person small group opportunities. They have a clear guideline for how to move forward both should the virus continue to recede or to come back in larger numbers. I feel safe and comfortable with my children attending their school. The school is on a sliding scale tuition and emphasizes an anti-oppressive mission, looking to liberate all marginalized people (including children).

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

As with all classes at their school, they are optional, small, and individualized to the learners involved. Each Monday the school collectively participates in a "Set the Week" meeting by coming up with a schedule of classes that the students want to attend, and then they meet on Zoom. Each day there is a reflection period and at the end of the week there is a time to look more broadly at what classes are offered and what people are interested in learning.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *



Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

This school is truly a community. It is a beautiful place that looks individually at each child and truly helps them grow in a healthy manner that supports their individual needs and desires while also learning to care for their community and the world at large. I could not more highly recommend this school.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

A school that uses *trust* rather than *fear* as their methodology will raise a happy, confident, creative and always curious individual.


High School of Art and Design

What is the name of the specific program in that school that your child is attending or did attend in the past year?


Where is the school located? (City or Borough is enough, we don't need a full street address) *


Is this the school your child attends now? *

yes, now and for the last year or more


Please write a review of your experience.

We have been very happy with this school, especially now that it has an energetic new principal with whom we are very impressed. The principal clearly cares about the students, solicits their feedback, and treats them with respect. Here are additional good things for us. Almost all of the teachers have been committed, inspiring, and communicative (although we have had one clunker each year). All of the teachers have been great about communicating with us at parent teacher conferences. The integration of visual arts classes in the curriculum has been wonderful, and the quality of the arts classes is college level. The principal has been very forthcoming (including holding 5 town halls over the summer!) about how the school would protect students and teachers and how they would handle remote and blended learning during COVID. The school is ethnically and economically diverse. My LGBTQ kid feels comfortable there. The building is relatively new with lots of windows and cool glass murals designed by Art Spiegelman. Here are the cons. There aren't that many academic electives (although there are several AP classes), and right now there is only one foreign language (Spanish). The academic programs are straightforward, and the variety in course electives happens in the art classes. After freshman year students "major" in an art discipline (e.g., cartooning, photography) and it's hard to take classes across different art programs. The kids go deep in one visual arts subject and I wish they could choose from any of the arts courses. Because of the demographics, the school isn't flush with PTA money like some schools are, and doesn't have some of the extras (like school trips). It's a little intimidating for some kids to be among so many other talented artists.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

I've been surprised by how much synchronous learning my child is receiving. Most of his school day is with live teaching. The principal responded to student complaints from last spring that kids were overloaded by the amount of remote school and homework by radically cutting the amount of homework.

Has or did your child use the school's college office?

Not yet

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *


Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

I would highly recommend it for any student who loves visual arts.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

I think there are lots of great schools and I'd try to reduce the incredible anxiety associated with this system by focusing on the fact that your kid would probably do well in many different schools.


Art and Design High School

What is the name of the specific program in that school that your child is attending or did attend in the past year?

Fashion Design

Where is the school located?


Is this the school your child attends now? *

yes, now and for the last year or more


Please write a review of your experience.

My daughter is currently in her Senior year at Art & Design HS. With all of the challenges our city and the schools have faced during the pandemic, I am incredibly pleased and impressed with how Art & Design -- specifically its Principal Max Re-Seguira -- has handled the transition to virtual learning. He has lead our school, the staff, the students, and all of the families through these difficult times with transparency, critical thinking and equity at the forefront of all decision making.

Has or did your child use the school's college office?

We will be using the school's college office this year.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *



Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

I highly recommend Art & Design HS because of its strong organizational leadership and its commitment to all students, families and the arts.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Understand what your values are as a family and choose the school that best aligns with them - diversity, equity, anti-racism, arts, academics, etc...


Brooklyn Technical HS


Is this the school your child attends now? *

yes, now and for the last year or more


Please write a review of your experience.

Brooklyn Tech has been a disappointment. My son's teachers have been mediocre at best, and the overall culture promoted by the administration is that any problems -- including technical difficulties during distance learning -- are for students and families to cope with on their own, not for teachers to adapt to. I do appreciate that this fall the school has prioritized giving blended and remote learners as close to the same experience as possible and keeping the full slate of classes on offer.

Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *



Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

If a child is terrific at keeping track of multiple assignments on multiple platforms, can figure out confusing instructions independently, manages their time well, and does not need much outreach to get involved in extracurricular activities or find friends, this might work for them.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Visit EVERY school.


High School of American Studies

What is the name of the specific program in that school that your child is attending or did attend in the past year?


Where is the school located? (City or Borough is enough, we don't need a full street address) *


Is this the school your child attends now? *

Currently in the first year


Please write a review of your experience.

We are new to HSAS as my son is a freshman. We have been very impressed with Mr. Weiss the principal and the communication he has supplied us with over the summer and into the fall.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

The amount of asynchronous and synchronous learning seems right and the teachers are all really on top of communicating with the students. Everyone is using the same teaching platform and things have gone smoothly.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *


Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

The school seems very welcoming and since it is so small the principal knows every student by name and I feel like there is a real sense of community.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

In a normal year I would say take a lot of tours and talk to the students. I think that will be a challenge this year but found that most helpful for us.


ICE (Institute for Collaborative Education)

Where is the school located?


Is this the school your child attends now? *

yes, now and for the last year or more


Please write a review of your experience.

The school has been poorly handling the situation since the pandemic started. As of today, they have to yet start teaching. There is no emphasis on academics or discipline/ structure. The school claims that the curriculum revolves around social justice and positive change, however, I am not sure how they expect these kids to contribute to a positive change and society without proper instruction and education.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

I would not be able to because, as of today and several months after the pandemic started, the school has not created a proper remote-learning curriculum other than sharing a few links where kids can learn on their own.

Has or did your child use the school's college office?

No AP courses offered and no college info yet.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *


Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

The school has been gradually deteriorating due to key teachers leaving and lack of leadership and academics.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Don't listen to the loudest parents. We live in an area in which all parents think alike and there's no consideration or mention of more traditional schools that, looking back, would have been a great choice.



What is the name of the specific program in that school that your child is attending or did attend in the past year?

Entire school is a 1:1 ABA program (applied behavioral analysis)

Where is the school located?


Is this the school your child attends now? *

Currently in the first year

yes, now and for the last year or more

no, they already graduated in June 2020

Please write a review of your experience.

School really gets to know your child and crafts appropriate programming for them. It is a private program so you have to sue DOE for tuition reimbursement which is a drawn out process and may require you to pay up front while you wait for money to come back. They are very receptive to incorporating ideas of parents into programming and give detailed feedback in daily notes.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

They resumes in person instruction but allow parents to stick with virtual option if that is better for family.

Has or did your child use the school's college office?

My daughter has intellectual disability as well as autism and will not attend college.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *


Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

School creates detailed plans for students but regularly asks for feedback from families.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Visit school to assess program for yourself.


LaGuardia HS

What is the name of the specific program in that school that your child is attending or did attend in the past year?

Drama Studio

Where is the school located?


Is this the school your child attends now? *

yes, now and for the last year or more


Please write a review of your experience.

Love the drama studio and that my son is able to spend several hours a day pursuing his passion with talented instructors and like-minded peers. It's amazing that this much instruction provided free-of-charge. Academics are also strong, but since it's a large school, you need to be proactive about seeking support if you need it. Also, really important to forge a relationship with your Guidance Counselor, otherwise Senior year they won't know who you are.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

If you have a child who receives special education services and would like to comment on that, please do so here.

Has or did your child use the school's college office?

LaG doesn't have a college office per se, but the college support is OK. You should expect to take the task on your own shoulders if you really want to be proactive. We didn't ask for help with the search nor applications. Don't yet know about them sending in transcripts/recommendations since it's still early in the process.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *



Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

If you student has a passion for the arts that they want to spend four years pursing in-depth, it's a great match. If it's just an interest, rather than passion, they may find it overwhelming and not the best match.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Make sure your child will not struggle academically or that the academic structure and learning style offered is a match for your child.


Leaders HS (Expeditionary Learning School for Community Leaders)

Where is the school located

Brooklyn (Bensonhurst/Gravesend)

Is this the school your child attends now? *

yes, now and for the last year or more


Please write a review of your experience.

My son, D., is in 10th grade at Leaders. I'm so pleased with this school. I started my HS list looking at the Consortium member schools, because I don't believe that standardized tests are any indication of a student's knowledge or potential for "success. I also wanted D. to get more experience with research and writing in all academic areas, which are required for a HS diploma instead of Regents scores (except for ELA). D. isn't great with motivation or time management, and Leaders is a small school that gives students lots of support. I liked that the school has a strong advisory program--students stay in the same 12-student "crew" group, with the same crew leader, all 4 years. Leaders is an Outward Bound school, like D.'s middle school MS 839, so we were familiar with the structure (in his year 5 kids went from 839 to Leaders). Like 839, kids go on Outward Bound camping trips. The 9th grade trip gave my son the opportunity to show leadership and other skills that he doesn't always demonstrate in academic settings. Other pluses for my family/my son: -Dedicated internship coordinator and two guidance counselors, one who is also the college counselor (this in a school of 400) -Lots of extracurriculars, including partnerships with Brooklyn Boulders and biking and skateboarding groups that also provide mentoring -Strong PSAL sports (my son is really sports oriented), teams that mix students in the different schools in the building -Football/soccer fields -Emphasis on reading -Efforts at integrating curriculum -Strong communication from principal and crew leader -Strong emphasis on social-emotional development, collaboration, becoming an informed citizen and advocate for social justice -Diverse in race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status -Emphasis on college readiness from 9th grade; close to 100% go to college after graduation Minuses -Size--my son wishes it were bigger -Deeper into Brooklyn than I would have liked--it was our 9th choice out of 12, mostly because I would have rather my son had a 45-minute commute into Manhattan than into BK.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

The school really mobilized over the summer to come up with a program that prioritized remote learning, considering their assumption that they would go all-remote at some point. They've come up with an innovative way of teaching the core subjects--instead of all at once, they have two core classes per quarter, for longer periods. So this quarter is history and science, for 1 1/2 hours each, but that time includes live teaching, student groupings, and independent work. So the majority of the work is done during the school day, so kids can have afternoons for other responsibilities/social time. They're planning on having outdoor, socially distant meetups for crews, so that all-remote & hybrid can get together. D. is going all-remote, for consistency, but the school has done everything it can to ensure safety for those going in. (they're utilizing the outside fields and park across the street.) The principal has been holding almost biweekly Q&As for parents.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?



Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *



Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

I would recommend the school to parents looking for small school; emphasis on reading and writing; social-emotional, and other "soft skills" development.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Don't discount quality of life--check commute time relative to school start time and make sure it will work for your kid.



What is the name of the specific program in that school that your child is attending or did attend in the past year?

Medical Science

Where is the school located? (City or Borough is enough, we don't need a full street address) *


Is this the school your child attends now? *

yes, now and for the last year or more


Please write a review of your experience

My son is a sophomore and says he likes the teachers and the variety of courses. The only thing that really bothers him is how crowded the hallways are. He knew he wanted Midwood pretty early in the high school process and in the end he chose it over Brooklyn Tech, even though it's a longer commute for him. I think he wanted a more "normal" high school environment. Midwood has a lot of room for a very academic student to grow and do well, but it has a broad cross section of students, not all of whom are primarily focused on academics, and that kind of broad environment -- along with a lot of sports! -- was what my son wanted. Midwood has proven to be as advertised. As a parent, one thing I have liked that I didn't expect is responsive teachers and admin. If I send an email to a teacher or even the principal, I get a response within 24 hours, and they are straightforward and complete. I love the variety of courses -- there are so many options and esp for kids who got a start on Regents in 8th grade, kids can start shaping their schedules to meet their interests as early as sophomore year. And there are good bands (not strings, though), decent art, amazing sports options -- some require auditions and tryouts and first years may not get into everything, but there are lots of available options. Sophomore year has just started for him so there's a way to go yet. Will have to report back again later. But so far last year and this, I feel like there has been more of a mix of traditional tests and projects, including creative ones, than I thought there would be. I had pegged Midwood as more universally "traditional." My son generally likes a traditional test he can study for and then move on from, but he seems to be engaged by his teachers in these projects, which says something.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *


Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

I asked my son about LGBTQ+ friendly and he at first said, yes, friendly, but then then hedged and said teachers = yes and students = sometimes, but it may not be something he thinks about enough. More generally, I think Midwood can be a great school for the right student. But it is a very large school without an advisory program and though teachers are responsive and supportive when students come to them and ask questions, I do think it's a better fit for kids who are comfortable with self advocacy and self-directed. The awesome thing about large NYC public high schools is all the options available to students. Smaller public schools -- even really great ones -- just don't offer that kind of choice. It's a tradeoff: how much support does your kid need, how much choice does you kid need? Does your kid thrive in a diverse environment -- diverse in every way you can imagine at Midwood? It's a cool place IMO, but it's big and it could be overwhelming for some students, I can imagine.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

If your kid has an opinion, take it seriously. I would have chosen Tech for my son because it seemed similar to Midwood in the ways that mattered to me and closer to us, but my son wanted Midwood. I made him tour both places after being accepted and forced him to subway out to Midwood twice as if he was getting there for a 7:15am class (which can happen for older students). He held firm and he was right. (At least so far!)


Millennium Brooklyn High School

Where is the school located?

Park Slope, Brooklyn

Is this the school your child attends now? *

no, they already graduated in June 2020

Please write a review of your experience.

My son had an excellent experience at MBHS. The teachers were attentive, involved and communicative with parents. The school was very well organized and took care to address the emotional and social aspects of the students. I highly recommend the school!

Has or did your child use the school's college office? If yes, would you like to add some information about that experience? Did they help with the search? Applications? Were they helpful with parent's questions?Were they speedy in getting transcripts, recommendations, etc to the colleges?

Because the school is so small (150 per grade or so), we received a lot of attention from the college office. The staff were very hands on and extremely helpful.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *



Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

Diverse and social school.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Don't choose the "it" school of the moment. Think about your child and focus on a good fit for them.


Millennium Brooklyn High School

Where is the school located?

Park Slope, Brooklyn

Is this the school your child attends now? *

Currently in the first year


Please write a review of your experience.

Small school, personalized attention and strong academic rigor. Excellent leadership.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

We opted for blended learning. The remote learning was surprisingly robust and engaging.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *



Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

We are only in year 1 but thus far we're impressed.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Don't get swept up in the notion of 'best' schools or 'elite' schools. We have a very high performing child but we came to understand that getting the best education is a combination of school, curriculum, commute, size, and that all important intangible "fit". Try to change your mindset from "What's the best school?" to "What school is the best fit for my child?"



NYC Museum School

Where is the school located?

Chelsea, Manhattan

Is this the school your child attends now? *

Currently in the first year

Please write a review of your experience.

Early days as my son is a freshman but both consistency and quality of communications has been reassuring over the summer and at the beginning of the school term. The APs are both accessible and responsive by email. Currently there is a 'Principal Assigned', Daisy Fontenez, following the departure of the longstanding previous principal. So far the technology, teaching and learning has been good quality. My son is particularly enjoying social studies and ELA. Virtual after school clubs are on offer including D&D, guitar and GSA.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

The google calendar and classrooms are clear with links to Zoom meetings. Tech has worked well in the main. Some classes/subjects are more engaging than others but it's too early in the term to call how subjects are being taught as yet.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *


 Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

I have no complaints about how the school has handled the continuing shifting landscape and various changes in position from the DoE. They inform us promptly of changes, tell us when they don't know something but are working it out (e.g. class schedules) and have held several town halls. It's a small school and I already feel that my son is known to his teachers and the AP with whom I've had most contact.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

I remember the Murrow principal saying "there is no BEST school, rather there is the best school for your child" and that really resonated when my son toured the NYC Museum School. He just clicked with it and felt comfortable and happy from the first five minutes of the tour and thereafter.


Quad Preparatory school

What is the name of the specific program in that school that your child is attending or did attend in the past year?

Upper school

Where is the school located?

Downtown NYC

Is this the school your child attends now? *

no, they already graduated in June 2020

Please write a review of your experience.

Quad was a safe haven for my 2E kid with loving, understanding and highly competent and creative teachers who teach to the particular kid (much of the teaching is done 1:1 or in very small groups). Quad was sensitive to my kid’s needs and allowed them to advance in their areas of strength. The Upper school facilities are beautiful and comfortable. The only issue I have really is the small size of the cohort, tiny really, which hinders socialization, though the kids do interact with others from different age groups. The school did a fantastic job with moving everything to zoom.

Has or did your child use the school's college office?

The college search was tailored to my kid’s needs and they were able to get into the college of their choice.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *


Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

A great fit for 2E kids who need personal, loving attention to thrive.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Be honest with the team about your child’s strengths and weaknesses to make sure the school is a good fit.



Special Music School High School

What is the name of the specific program in that school that your child is attending or did attend in the past year?

Vocal program

Where is the school located?

Manhattan - D3

Is this the school your child attends now? *

yes, now and for the last year or more


Please write a review of your experience.

We feel very lucky to have found SMSHS for our son who is now a junior and a vocal major. For us the major pros of the school: very small student body and top-notch music program. This year there are about 42 students in my son's class. The student body is very diverse and comes from all over the city, they all share a common interest in/passion for music (students audition for composition, vocal and instrumental majors). Since my son also has ADHD, we were looking for a small school with some extra support. SMS offers ICT classes, and since the school is small, the class size is small - 20 at the most, but often 6 or 7. The teachers and staff are wonderful, nurturing, and the academic program is rigorous. This year my son is taking AP Music Theory (about 12 kids in the class), AP Comp. Sci (6 or 7 kids in the class) and APUSHistory (this is a bigger class - maybe upper teens). In addition to participating in ensembles three times a week and having a private lesson, the students take music history, theory and technology in 9th and 10th grades and as upperclassmen, they choose from various music electives. Great administration, great teachers. We adore the school. Con: the school is housed in basement of the Martin Luther King building which has been deemed unfit for the students because of the terrible, non-functional HVAC system. The DOE is fixing the HVAC this semester. Meanwhile the school has been moved to the Brandeis campus on 84th street. There is a strong movement afoot to find a permanent alternate location.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

The school is committed to offering synchronous classes daily with the appropriate teacher (i.e. the algebra teacher teaches algebra). They are able to do this because the school is so small. Last spring the kids had such difficulty transitioning between their 4 academic subjects, Spanish, music electives and ensembles when they went remote, the school made a big change: they switched to a semester-based schedule. This means in the fall my son is taking a full year of Math and History, in the spring he will take English and Science . Less busy work, more time to focus on projects, fewer but longer classes. Again, synchronous daily for these two classes. In addition, they still have their ensemble work, an academic music class daily and advisory on Friday.

If you have a child who receives special education services and would like to comment on that, please do so here.

Very supportive. There are three special ed teachers, all wonderful, and ICT classes. My son also had counseling for a while (great counselor who also guides the kids through the college application process) and speech (again, wonderful therapist)

Has or did your child use the school's college office?

This is just beginning. We know the guidance counselor, really like her and have heard great things about the process. All kids graduate and lots of them get into really good colleges and universities

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?



Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *


Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

As I wrote above, we really love the school so I'd recommend

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

We are very happy with the school. We chose it because my son wanted to spend a good part of his day focusing on music and wanted to be part of a small student body with small class size. Kids who want a bigger school or are not interested in music should not consider SMSHS.



Staten Island Technical High School

Where is the school located?

Staten Island

Is this the school your child attends now? *

yes, now and for the last year or more


Please write a review of your experience.

I have a junior and a freshman at the school. Our family is very happy with this school. My junior is thriving, has found her passions and made a good group of friends. So far my freshman is happy though its just been online. The leadership and teachers are experienced professionals who truly have the academic and socio-emotional well being of the children at heart. Every action taken is done with care and well thought out, particularly during COVID. Lots of communication. Fun fact - a number of current teachers are former SITECH students, including the principal! Like any school, some teachers are "good" and some are "bad", and that opinion can vary by the student. SITECH is a specialized high school with a rigorous STEM curriculum and a very bright and competitive cohort of students. There is a decent amount of work, but if time is managed, its not overwhelming. Most students are involved in multiple activities after school such as SING, or a sport teams, or other club or academic teams. The curriculum is STEM heavy - engineering , science, math, but there is also opportunity for diving into the humanities side with AP English and history courses and other electives, including Theater for seniors. All kids have to take AP world history and AP US history, and end up taking multiple other APs in Junior and Senior year. There are also College Now course offered. Russian is the only language offered. The leadership emphasizes mental health and socio-emotional well being and trying to reduce the stress and competition typical at a specialized high school. Most teachers are approachable, helpful and work with the students when help is needed in my experience. The grading system is based on the letter grade model (A+, A, etc.). Students are not ranked, and the valedictorian/salutatorian designation will end in 2021. The school strongly encourages involvement in extra curriculars for a well rounded HS experience - something like a third or half the school participates in SING, the student produced musical. There is a Spirit day in the fall Winter showcase, and other events that pull the school community together. Sadly with COVID these things are on hold for now and hopefully will resume in spring.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

In March, SITECH was ready with a solid plan for remote learning. All classes were taught live via Zoom, etc in addition recorded videos, google classroom and other technologies. Classes were organized in a block schedule in a 3 day cycle with 3 class per day 1 hour and 15 minutes long with 45 min breaks between. Similar schedule is in place in September until blended learning can begin on Oct 1. While the kids weren't happy with the workload and learning online (they miss school), I feel the school did a good job and was actually teaching quite during this time.

Has or did your child use the school's college office?

My children are a junior and freshman so we have not yet used the college office.

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *



Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

The leadership and teachers are phenomenal, organized, communicative and truly have the welfare of the children (academic and socio-emotional) at heart. I have always felt the school will do what is best for the kids under all circumstances, which has been confirmed during the COVID crisis.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Know your child and what best for that child, vs. what is the "best school".




Stuyvesant High School

Where is the school located? (City or Borough is enough, we don't need a full street address) *

lower manhattan

Is this the school your child attends now? *

Currently in the first year  

Please write a review of your experience.

just a few weeks in but v impressed with online classes and schedule. yes, lots of homework

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

Stuy planned over the summer and the teachers hit the ground running this fall

Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *


Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

if your kid is excited by lots of options and lots of types of thinkers from countless backgrounds, Stuy will be a great option

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

See how your child feels about commuting and how it will impact your family before choosing schools


Talent Unlimited

What is the name of the specific program in that school that your child is attending or did attend in the past year?

Vocal (Classical)

Where is the school located?


Is this the school your child attends now? *

yes, now and for the last year or more


Please write a review of your experience

Academically and in terms of diversity of thought and experience (as well as racial/economic diversity) TU has been amazing. Our kid was subjected to a severely underfunded middle school and fell far behind in math and science. TU has far exceeded the expectations in those subjects. In History and Music Theory too. I would say the weak point is ELA/english literature though she had a great teacher in 9th grade who left the school. Things are looking up there for 2020-2021. Arts kids are paramount as far as her experience socially goes. Kids really bond and want to be together. They are generally not from privileged backgrounds which is both important and amazing for kids in the Arts.

If you want to share more about how classes are handled virtually at this school now or last term, please do so here.

Too soon to tell for Vocal music during COVID but we trust the Director. Rest of classes are very well done.

Has or did your child use the school's college office?

New Counselor too soon to tell

Would your child consider this school LGBTQ friendly?


Would you recommend this school to other parents for their children? *



Please add some details related to your answer to your answer to the recommendation question here. *

Kid was treated very badly at an audition school also in D2 who bungled her Round Two “application”. Such application was made at this school’s invitation then effectively lost in their inboxes. The “Dean” at that school was entirely ignorant of DOE procedure, evidently. The Staff proved, in their final reply, dishonest and elitist to an astonishing degree. Leadership is great at TU and they can be trusted. This has been true under both principals.

What is the ONE piece of advice you would give people who are looking for the right school to help them choose the one that is the best fit for them/their family. *

Leadership is Really Important. Also trust your child’s instincts ahead of your own.