Monday, August 26, 2024

 Sex Ed for Tweens & Teens

These are replies from members about sex ed programming available for their kids : 

Ekem Merchant-Bleiberg did a PTA-paid Heath/Sex Ed multi-week residency for 7th and 8th graders at my kids’ small public middle school. She was amazing. Did workshops for parents as well, and was flexible and able to design a thoughtful program that the PTA could afford. I’m not sure how much availability she has, but she is such a great educator.


I recommend Rachel Lotus. My son’s class had a series of zoom class with her during Covid and I had the opportunity to listen in.   Very age appropriate and engaging.  


Rachel Lotus is best in class. My daughter has been in classes with her since 7th grade, and my son took a class with her in 4th grade. 


Seconding Rachel Lotus! She was absolutely FABULOUS! Not only did she do an incredible job with the kids; she also gave an awesome workshop for the parents. The conversations inspired by her visits were terrific and my daughter (and all of the kids) just absolutely loved her. So positive, so direct, so comfortable and pragmatic...she was truly an inspiration. The kids loved her with good reason.



Justine Ang Fonte:

Both are excellent. It might be difficult to schedule either one for time in the remainder of the current school year--they both book up really early (like the summer before) but worth asking.

Kate Greenberg 

She has done puberty workshops for 5th graders and MS in our school (NEST+m). She is engaging and professional.
As part of the service (I suspect it was organized by PTA) an hour long presentation was given to parents/guardians prior to workshops.
It was offered for each grade and included a generous Q&A segment along with PDF presentation f materials that would be part of student workshops.


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