Monday, February 27, 2012

Parent Teacher Conferences and Questions


Parent and Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences are held twice a year (fall and spring) and provide a great opportunity for you to talk with your child's teacher about what your child is learning at school and how you can support this learning at home.

Parent Teacher Conferences Spring Calendar

Grade LevelTimeDate
High School Evening Thursday, March 29, 2012
High SchoolAfternoon Friday, March 30, 2012
District 75 Programs Evening Monday, March 19, 2012
District 75 Programs Afternoon Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Elementary SchoolsEveningWednesday, March 14, 2012
Elementary SchoolsAfternoonTuesday, March 13, 2012
Middle SchoolsEveningWednesday, February 29, 2012
Middle SchoolsAfternoonTuesday, February 28, 2012

Questions to Consider Asking Your Child's Teacher

  1. What is my child expected to learn, know and do at this grade level? How will it be assessed?
  2. What are the big projects my child will be doing in your class this year? Throughout the year, how will I know if my child is meeting grade level expectations?
  3. What does my child do well and what does he or she struggle with? Can you give me examples?
  4. If my child needs extra support or wants to learn more about a subject, are there resources to help his or her learning outside the classroom? Can you give me examples?
  5. How will you be introducing the Common Core standards to students this year
  6. Does my child turn in homework on time?
  7. Is my child happy at school? How does my child get along with classmates and adults?
  8. Does my child participate in class discussions and activities? What would make my child more effective in doing his/her work?
  9. What can I do at home to reinforce what my child is learning at school?
  10. Are there ways that I can help you in the classroom or the school?

Download Translated Questions
